Technical Assistance

  • Technical assistance could be as simple as an email conversation, or could involve us helping provide some piece of a larger puzzle. For example, if you’re building a tutoring program, we may be able to help research curricula or build a progress monitoring system.

    In other words, technical assistance can involve us “doing stuff” as well as helping to think through ideas.

    • We’re trying into starting a new tutoring program. What are some programs we should look into?

    • We’re writing a grant to start a mentoring program, and they’re asking for outcome measurement. Any ideas?

    • How should we place students in tutoring groups?

    • What are some strategies for helping our fifth graders get along better?

    • We’re having a tough time with one of our kids who’s getting into a lot of fights. What ideas do you have?

    In reality, these “questions” are more of conversations and brainstorming sessions rather than a simple Q&A, of course.

  • Just reach out. We don’t have a formal enrollment or membership process. And, as with all of our services, there’s no cost. So, if you have a need or question, ask away.